International Conference on Bioengineering and Biosciences (ICBB - 25)

8th - 9th January 2025 Johannesburg, South Africa (Hybrid Event)

Call for Paper
  • Bioengineered Therapeutics, Devices and Drug Delivery
    Bioengineering and Biosciences
    Biomaterials and Drug Delivery
    Biomedical Imaging and Diagnostics
    Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Cell and Tissue Mechanics
    Cell Mechanics
    Cellular and Bimolecular Engineering
    Cellular and Molecular Imaging
    Cellular Engineering
    Complex Living Systems
    Computational and Theoretical Bioengineering
    Computational Neuroengineering
    Experimental Neuroengineering
    Imaging Theory and Analysis
    Injury Biomechanics
    Medical Imaging and Imaging Instrumentation
    Molecular Engineering

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