International Conference on Medical Products Surveillance Current Scenario (ICMPSCS - 25)

13th - 14th January 2025 Muscat, Oman (Hybrid Event)

Call for Paper
  • Botanical medicine
    Medicinal plants
    Recent advances in herbals and natural remedies
    Therapeutic considerations for herbs
    Herbal therapies for prevention and treatment
    Herbal drugs discovery and development
    Herbal drug analysis methods
    Herbals in cancer therapy
    Plant micromorphology
    Medicinal and aromatic plants
    Using herbs and herbal remedies for home health
    Quality control of botanical drugs
    Advantages of herbal supplements over modern medicine
    Botanical drugs and formulations
    Anti-inflammatory herbs
    Herbs for anxiety
    Herbal medicine side effects

    Herbal medicine
    Traditional Chinese medicine
    Traditional medicine today: clinical and research issues
    Alternative medicine and treatment methods
    Arabic and Unani medicine
    Challenges and future directions of traditional medicine
    Naturopathic medicine
    Toxicology studies of plant products
    Drugs from natural sources
    Pharmacognosy and traditional medicine
    Holistic medicine
    Traditional pharmaceuticals and biologic products
    Traditional medicine and neurology
    Traditional midwifery

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