International Conference on Robotic Sensor Networks (ICRSN - 25)
28th - 29th June 2025 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (Hybrid Event)
- Soft robotics
- Soft robotics technologies
- Physiological networks for soft body robotics
- Movement and manipulation for soft robots
- Soft body simulation
- Soft-bodied climbing and burrowing robots
- New perspectives for robot bodyware and control
- Types and designs
- Compliance matching
- Biomimicry
- Manufacturing
- Control
- Guided self-organization
- Potential applications
- Soft robot walking and crawling
- Soft robotics for chemists
- Pneumatic networks for soft robotics
- Pneumatic energy sources for autonomous and wearable soft robotics
- Soft robotics, current and common problems
- Advantages and disadvantages of soft robotics
- Soft robotics and soft materials
- Using flexible materials in robotics
- Sensing and control
- Control of soft motions
- Modeling of soft actuators
- Grasping manipulation
- Whole arm motion
- Kinematics and control
- Translational applications
- Medical applications of soft robotics
- Commercial prospects
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