International Conference on Philosophy, Critical Theory and Metaphilosophy (ICPCTM - 25)

23rd - 24th December 2025 Los Angeles, USA (Hybrid Event)

Call for Paper
  • Critical theory
    Critical theory as metaphilosophy
    Language and communication
    Philosophy, ideology and truth
    Democracy as a practical goal of critique
    From ideology to social facts
    Critique of liberalism to the dialectic of enlightenment
    The structural transformation of democracy
    Habermas on politics and discursive rationality
    Critical theory, pragmatic epistemology and the social sciences
    Critics, observers, and participants
    Two forms of critical theory
    Social inquiry as practical knowledge
    Pluralism and critical theory
    Reflexivity, perspective taking and practical verification
    A critical theory of globalization
    Democratic inquiry
    Transnational critical theory
    Social facts, normative ideals and multiperspectival theory

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